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Eliminate Stubborn Odors with Newsprint, a Trick that Works.

Eliminate Stubborn Odors with Newsprint, a Trick that Works.

In everyday life, there are sometimes certain smells that bother us, and that we can't eliminate:that of cabbage in the vegetable drawer, that of leather in a pouch brought back from travel, or that of fish on the shelves of the fridge...

Well here is a simple and very economical way to get rid of them:follow the guide.

Use newspaper

Eliminate Stubborn Odors with Newsprint, a Trick that Works.

Newsprint is very absorbent , and putting some in the places where these stubborn odors bother you will get rid of them quickly.

- Line your vegetable drawer with newspaper and it will thus absorb the scents of the cabbage or leek that you will store there.

- Wrap your fresh fish in a sheet of newspaper before putting it in the fridge and this will greatly limit the diffusion of its smell.

- Slip a sheet of newspaper inside the leather bag still very fragrant from the souks of Marrakech, and soon it will smell nothing!

I'm sure you'll have other ideas for using newspaper and its odor "absorbing" powers. Let us know in a short comment.