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Want more light in your home? That's how you do it!

Summer time has started again and that means that the weather will remain light for a long time. That is wonderful because natural light has many advantages for your home and for you. In addition to saving energy, the amount of natural light in your home can affect your mood. Those rays, filled with sunlight and vitamin D, make you feel positive. In addition, natural light can make a house lighter and brighter and give the feeling of more space. Unfortunately, many homes are not built with natural light in mind. If you have a space that doesn't get a lot of natural light, don't think major renovations are your only option. A few simple decorating tricks can make your home much sunnier in minutes.

Lighten the color palette
Light and white colors reflect natural light better than dark colors. So paint walls in light shades, such as white, blue-gray and taupes, and use reflective metal finishes on ceilings. Choose furniture – especially larger pieces like sofas – in light colors. You can add bright or deeper colors in the form of accessories such as pillows, throws, knick knacks and smaller furniture.

Get rid of the heavy curtains
In winter it is wonderful to have thick, heavy curtains that keep out the cold. But in the summer months they block out the natural light. Remove these and you will immediately add light to dark rooms. Light colors and light fabrics both help preserve natural light. There are plenty of options on the market that offer privacy but still let in light, such as PVC blinds. With blinds you always determine the incidence of light in the house yourself. By playing with the position of the slats, you can let in a lot or little light.

Decorate with a mirror effect
The more glossy surfaces you can add to rooms, the more light will reflect back into the room. Using objects such as chandeliers, brass lighting, gold doorknobs, silver picture frames, brass candlesticks or mirrors should become part of your design strategy. They help reflect light into your room. Large wall mirrors are perfect, and there are so many styles to choose from that there is something for every taste.

Cut the trees in front of your windows
Don't forget the impact the greenery outside your home can have on the light level inside. Focus your attention on the garden and trim any trees, shrubs or creepers growing around your doors and windows.

Keep the windows clean
While you're at it, give your windows and glass doors a deep cleaning to ensure as much light as possible can shine through the glass and into your home.